Archive for January, 2010

Hay for Haiti

January 20, 2010


BIRMINGHAM, January, 2010– The death toll is astronomical and the world has united in effort to bring food, water, medical aid and shelter to the Haitian people. The world has been affected by the horrific death numbers in Haiti and moved to donate to organizations like the American Red Cross. Countries, companies, schools and organizations are doing their part to help.

UAB PRCA/ PRSSA’s Creative Relations firm is partnering with Rogue Tavern and the Birmingham, AL based bluegrass band Rollin in the Hay to raise money for the American Red Cross Haiti relief efforts. The $10 concert will take place at Rogue Tavern (2312 2nd Ave. N) on Friday, January 29 at 9:30 p.m. for persons 21 and older.

USAID reports an estimated 65,000 deaths, 200,000 displaced and three million affected population.

“Three orders of magnitude, more energy release from this magnitude 7 earthquake than was released by the Hiroshima nuclear explosion” said Fresno State University Seismotologist, Dr. Stephen Lewis.

Four dollars from each ticket sold will go to help the American Red Cross Haiti fund.

Rollin in the Hay describes their music as a “combination of good times and instruments of a front porch ‘hoe down’ with the muscle of a power trio and savvy of the veteran touring musicians.”

“Rollin in the Hay is a great part band. I always have a good time when they play” said senior public relations major Meredith Foster.

Their music has also been described as “Groove Grass” and “Renegade Bluegrass.” The sound of the “hay” has become one of the forerunners for the “Newgrass” revolution in America.

Rogue Tavern was voted Birmingham 2009 “Best New Restaurant.” For more information, visit them online at

Also check out Rollin In the Hay’s website to find more about the sensational band that has travelled the country entertaining college students, opening shows for Greg Allman to Widespread Panic.

Join our Facebook event page:

Hati Earthquake

January 15, 2010


January 14, 2010

Learning from “The Office”

January 14, 2010

Located in the small town of Scranton is a small Dunder Mifflin paper company run by the  middle manager Michael Scott. This hit series might make you laugh, cry and you might even be able to find a character with your personality from the show.

Things to Learn from the Office:

1)        If you didn’t learn it from your mother, write this down.  Football indoors can lead to injuries in the work place, destroyed furniture, etc.

2)       “That’s what she said,” the offensive joke that might get you written up. Be careful when pulling that one out. “That’s what she said.”

3)       The difference between men and women sport coats is that buttons on a woman’s sport coat is found on the left side.

4)       Ask questions if you’re told to do an assignment that you don’t know how.

5)       Putting your co-workers office supplies in jello is not so funny to the person with the jello stapler. In many offices this could lead to a write-up or even firing.

6)       When your HR representative say’s its inappropriate, think about it, it probably is.

7)       Not a good idea to use company property for personal gain.

8)       For the non-internet savvy persons, meet at the “chat room” refers to an online network for talking with several people.

9)       “Instead of a footprint, handprint or writing my initials in the wet sand, I think I’ll use my face” (Michael Scott). Also, not a good idea.

10)    For all Holly’s, this joke may be offense. “Are you real or are you a holligram?”

11)     “There is such thing as grief, ask Charlie Brown” (Michael Scott).

12)     The best salesperson knows the company in and out. That’s the products, the people and the reputation.

13)     Traditionally, it is not all right to lie to your boss.

14)     Always, make sure that your boss or security knows when you plan to work late. Otherwise you and your co-workers may end up locked in the parking lot and building.

Officer Changes

January 3, 2010

Officer changes will take effect immediately for the spring semester. Sunshine Scott,, will takeover as VP of Programs, Hannah Kinderknecht,, as VP of Membership and Joshua Wilson,, as Firm Director.

Will YOU be the Executive Board member? Officer elections are coming up, start speaking with current officers to determine which office best suits you. Analyze your strengths to see where you fit in with UAB PRCA/PRSSA.

For more information, email Joshua Wilson,